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Help for Online CTP suspensions/cancellations

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Authorised insurers who provide Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurance policies rely on the RTA for provision of services in the area of identifying vehicle, requesting registration suspension/cancellation, and generation of summary reports.

The Online CTP suspensions/cancellations system streamlines this process for insurers and the RTA's Customer Administration Unit (Grafton) by providing insurers the functionalities to enforce their own debt collection relating to CTP short payment of premium, unpaid cheques, dishonoured credit cards and fraudulent acts involving CTP premium.

Only authorised users can use this website. As an authorised user, you will be provided with a unique user ID and password.

The following insurer user levels are available :-

Insurer Level 1 - A user from the insurance company with rights to Identify Vehicles, Update CTP Details, Request Registration Suspensions, Lift Suspensions and View/Print Transaction Reports.

Insurer Level 2 - A user from the insurance company with the rights to Request Registration Cancellations and Reinstate Registrations as well as all rights available to an Insurer Level 1 user.


Terms and Conditions

The first time that you log into the Online CTP suspensions/cancellations system, it is important that you are aware of the conditions of use. The conditions are available on the login page, or can be accessed by clicking on the Conditions of use link at the bottom of any page of the system. You are advised to read these conditions, as access to the Online CTP suspensions/cancellations system is conditional on you reading and accepting them.

Privacy & Security

This can be accessed by clicking on the Privacy & security link at the bottom of any page of the system. You are advised to read this policy, as access to the Online CTP suspensions/cancellations system is conditional on you reading and accepting its provisions.

Internet Browser Requirements

We recommend that it is best viewed using Microsoft Internet Explorer (Version 10 or higher) as well as modern versions of Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome to view this site.

Display Resolution

This system has been designed to be best viewed using a PC display resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels or more.

Mandatory Fields

Some fields in the system are mandatory and are indicated by an asterisk next to the field name. Relevant information must be entered into these mandatory fields, otherwise the system will not let you progress beyond that page.

Error Messages

If any errors are detected, these will be displayed at the top of the page and you will not be able to progress to the next page until you have corrected all the errors listed.

Form navigation

You can progress from field to field in the screen forms by using the Tab key or you can select each field by clicking on it.

Logging in

It is necessary to successfully login in to the Online CTP suspensions/cancellations system before having access to the system. Users are required to identify themselves by keying in their user ID, password and Registry ID. The Registry ID defaults to 200 if left blank.

The following steps need to be undertaken to allow you to login :-

1.             Navigate to the User Id field and enter your User Id.

2.             Navigate to the Password field and enter your password.

3.             Navigate to the Registry ID and enter, if applicable. All non-RTA users do not need to enter a Registry ID.

4.             Click on the Accept Conditions & Login button to log in.

If the user belongs to more than one organisation, they will be asked to select the organisation they are representing before proceeding.

Timeout after 45 minutes

If you have logged in to the Online CTP suspensions/cancellations system and have been inactive for 45 minutes, your login will be timed out and you will need to login again.

Inactive login

If you have not logged in within the past 3 months, your access will be automatically cancelled. To have your login reset, contact the RTA Help Desk.

Automatic login expiry

For your security, each login account has an expiry date. A warning message will appear prior to your login expiring. To have your login account reset, contact the RTA Help Desk.

Automatic Password Expiry and Grace Login

Your password will be expired after 90 days. Once it is expired you will have 5 grace logins where you will be taken to the Change Password page. If you used up all your grace logins without changing your password, you will not be able to access the system. In that case you will have to either reset your password by clicking on the [Forgot Password] link in the login page; or contact the RTA Help Desk for assistance.

Temporary Locked after 5 invalid login attempts

All invalid attempts at logging in are recorded. A user will be locked out of the system temporary for 10 minutes after 5 consecutive invalid attempts. To get access to the system again, wait 10 minutes before logging in again.

Permanently Locked after 10 invalid login attempts

A user will be locked out of the system permanently after 10 consecutive invalid attempts (including the original 5 above). To access the Online CTP suspensions/cancellations system again, contact the RTA Help Desk.


For security reasons, your password should not, under any circumstances, be disclosed to anyone. Each user is accountable for every action recorded against their user ID and password.

A password is like a PIN (Personal Identification Number). You must change your password immediately if you think someone else knows it.

When an account is created for you, you will receive an email with a link for you to complete the registration process. This includes setting up your password and providing an answer to one of the secret questions. This is to ensure that the password remains secure and known only to the user. You must choose a new password of at least 8 characters and must include at least one character from 3 of the following 4 categories:

  • Lowercase characters including a to z
  • Uppercase characters including A to Z
  • Numbers including 0 to 9
  • Special characters including ! @ ’ # $ % ^ & * - _ "

Passwords are restricted so that common words, for example: car models, names of the month, and the user's name prefixed by a single letter or digit, for example: 1john, bcarole, cannot be used. The new password cannot be the same as any of the previous five passwords.

Passwords expire every 90 days. The website will provide you with 5 grace logins on the expiry date. At the last grace login the system will require you to change your password before you can access any other functions of the system.

You may change your password or secret question and answer at any time using the Maintain Account functionality after log in.

If you have forgotten your password please use the [Forgot Password] link to self-retrieve your password or; you can contact the RTA Help Desk.


To logout

You can logout of the Online CTP suspensions/cancellations system at any time by clicking on Logout on the left-hand side of the screen.


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